Gloucester, MA Fishing Reports

Your Gloucester MA Fishing experience


Stay informed and ahead of the game with the latest fishing reports from Voodoo Charters. Our comprehensive updates provide valuable insights into current fishing conditions, including species activity, hotspots, and recommended techniques. Whether you're planning your next fishing excursion or seeking real-time information to maximize your success on the water, our detailed reports offer the guidance you need. With Voodoo Charters' commitment to keeping anglers informed and prepared, you can trust our reports to provide accurate and timely information to enhance your fishing experience in Gloucester, MA. Stay tuned to Voodoo Charters for the inside scoop on the local fishing scene.

We get these questions a lot. What kind of fish are in Gloucester MA? What Fish are in season right now in Gloucester? What time of day is best to fish in Gloucester MA? Well, Gloucester MA is full of some great fish species, but our favorites are Atlantic Cod and Haddock, the formidable Striped Bass, the elusive Bluefin Tuna, and even a few species of Sharks. Read some of our fishing reports to see what experiences our guests have to reel these awesome fish in! 

Voodoo Charters in Gloucester, MA, offers a range of fishing trips tailored to suit every angler's preferences and skill level. Rates vary depending on the duration and type of trip chosen, with options available for half-day, full-day, and extended offshore excursions. Seasonality plays a crucial role in determining the targeted species and fishing techniques employed during each trip. In the spring and early summer months, anglers can expect to target Striped Bass using live bait or trolling techniques near the coastline. As summer progresses, opportunities arise for offshore adventures targeting species like Bluefin Tuna, and Sharks using trolling, jigging, and chunking methods. Fall brings the migration of species like Cod and Haddock, offering fantastic bottom fishing opportunities in deeper waters. Regardless of the season, Voodoo Charters' experienced captains utilize a combination of traditional and cutting-edge techniques to maximize success and ensure a rewarding fishing experience for all aboard.

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